- View the Contract of Carriage for the complete baggage policy.
- View the TSA's 3-1-1 Policy for Carry Ons
- View baggage allowances and fees
- View our Personal Electronic Devices Policy (PED)
Visit the TSA web site for a complete list of items.
- No household items: bleaches, drain cleaners and solvents contain dangerous chemicals which can cause toxic fumes and corrosion.
- No flammable liquids: fuel, paints, solvents, adhesives, alcoholic beverages higher than 140 proof and flammable gases such as lighter refills and camping gas might leak and cause a fire.
- No fireworks: signal flares and other explosives which might detonate due to their sensitive nature.
- No other hazardous materials: strike-anywhere matches, gasoline-powered tools, spray cans, self-inflating rafts, poisons, infectious substances, mace and pepper spray.
- Wheelchairs with litium ion batteries exceeding 300 Watt-hours (Wh) are not permitted.
Use of e-cigarettes onboard the aircraft remains prohibited at all times. E-cigarettes are not permitted in any checked baggage or in any external baggage compartment of the aircraft, as e-cigarettes have been found by the FAA to be a fire risk.
Due to their potential to overheat or cause fire when activated, as determined by the FAA and ICAO, electronic cigarettes, personal vaporizers or any battery-powered portable electronic smoking device (“E-cigarettes”) are not permitted in any checked baggage or in any external baggage compartment of the aircraft. Please inform a Cape Air agent if you have e-cigarettes in any of your baggage. Recharging of e-cigarettes and/or the batteries on board the aircraft remains prohibited at all times.
Restrictions Due to Federal Law: Marijuana
Although Cape Air is aware of various state laws that allow recreational or medical marijuana possession, the TSA has stated that possession of marijuana, even medical marijuana, is illegal under federal law and that it will refer passengers traveling with marijuana to law enforcement authorities. Accordingly, Cape Air does not permit the transport of marijuana on any of our flights in any market. Anyone traveling with or transporting marijuana on Cape Air flights does at his or her own risk.
Spare Lithium Batteries:
Because lithium batteries present a risk of both igniting and fueling fires in aircraft cargo/baggage compartments, spare lithium batteries are not permitted in any checked baggage or in any external baggage compartment of the aircraft. Please inform a Cape Air agent if you have any spare lithium batteries in any of your baggage.
Spare lithium batteries must be individually protected so as to prevent short circuits (by placement in original retail packaging or by otherwise insulating terminals, e.g., by taping over exposed terminals or placing each battery in a separate plastic bag or protective pouch). Each battery must not exceed the following: for lithium metal batteries, a lithium content of 2 grams; or for lithium ion batteries, a Watt-hour rating of 100 Wh.
Lithium Battery Powered Self-Balancing Recreational Mobility Devices (“hoverboards”)
- Because of the risk of igniting, these devices are not accepted for transport on any Cape Air flight. Examples of lithium battery powered self-balancing recreational mobility devices include Airwheel, Solowheel and hoverboard.
Smart Bags
- Smart Bags are prhibited unless the lithium battery is removed and carried in accordance with Cape Air’s policy on Spare Lithium Batteries. Smart Bags with non-removable batteries are not accepted.
For Transport in the Cessna 402
Personal oxygen supplies, canned oxygen, and oxygen cylinders are not permitted to be used on board and Cape Air is not authorized to provide medical oxygen. Due to stowage limitations, Cape Air does not permit the use of Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POCs) onboard the aircraft.
While use is not permitted, Cape Air accepts onboard the aircraft Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POCs) that meet FAA acceptance criteria for carriage.
POCs that meet the acceptance criteria for carriage (use remains prohibited at all times) onboard aircraft, are identified by either:
- Bearing a permanent label, on the exterior of the device, in red text which states, "The manufacturer of this POC has determined this device conforms to all applicable FAA acceptance criteria for POC carriage and use onboard aircraft."; or
- The POC is included on the following list of POCs previously approved by the FAA for use onboard the aircraft:
AirSep Focus; AirSep FreeStyle; AirSep FreeStyle 5; AirSep LifeStyle; Delphi RS–00400; DeVilbiss Healthcare iGo; Inogen One; Inogen One G2; Inogen One G3; Inova Labs LifeChoice; Inova Labs LifeChoice Activox; International Biophysics LifeChoice; Invacare
Solo2; Invacare XPO2; Oxlife Independence Oxygen Concentrator; Oxus RS–00400; Precision Medical EasyPulse; Respironics EverGo; Respironics SimplyGo; SeQual Eclipse; SeQual eQuinox Oxygen System (model 4000); SeQual Oxywell Oxygen System (model 4000); SeQual SAROS; and VBox Trooper Oxygen Concentrator.
POC which do not conform to the above acceptance criteria may be transported as a portable electronic device (PED) if done so in accordance with all of the rules which apply to the carriage of a PED (e.g. battery policies, etc). All POCs must be stowed and are not permitted to be used at any time onboard the aircraft.
Personal oxygen cylinders or canned oxygen may not be transported as checked baggage, carry-out baggage, nor carried on board the aircraft. Customers connecting to or from other airlines should take particular note of this restriction.
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines may be transported as checked baggage or as a carry-out item. Their use, however, is prohibited.
For any device that may, in accordance with this section, be transported, although the device must meet carry-out or carry-on size and weight requirements, these devices are assistive devices for customers with disabilities. As such, they do not count toward checked, carry-out or carry-on baggage limits.
When connecting to or from any flight, including interline and codeshare partners, the customer is responsible for notifying and making independent arrangements directly with the other airline.
Other Considerations
- POCs are assistive devices for customers with disabilities. As such, they do not count toward carry-on or checked baggage limits.
- Cape Air is not liable for POC equipment failures, failure of the batteries that power the POC, or any other losses or damages alleged by the customer or any other person arising out of the use or possession of the POC, unless caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Cape Air.
For oxygen cylinders provided by a codeshare partner, please refer to that airline’s contract of carriage for specific requirements. A service charge may be assessed for this service. Customers’ personal oxygen cylinders cannot be transported or used onboard any flight as per FAA restrictions. Oxygen cylinders provided by Cape Air is subject to the following conditions:
- Compliance with regulations of all countries within the flight itinerary where oxygen is to be used;
- A medical certificate from the passenger’s physician is provided to Cape Air certifying the need for in-flight oxygen, stating whether any special conditions or assistance are required, and providing the maximum usage per hour and the oxygen flow rate per minute at 10,000 feet altitude;
- Oxygen equipment is available and can be positioned at the boarding city of the passenger requiring it;
- Passenger must provide Cape Air at least 48 hours’ notice to request oxygen services and will also be required to check-in for the flight at least two hours on International flights and one hour on Domestic US flights before the planned departure. Cape Air will make reasonable efforts to accommodate passengers who fail to meet any of these requirements, but will not be obligated to do so.
- Service fees apply for each flight segment where oxygen is required.
- The passenger will not be assigned a seat in a row with, behind or in front of an emergency window exit.
- To the extent possible, passengers receiving or requesting in-flight medical oxygen service will be given boarding priority on Cape Air in the event of an irregular operation. Reaccomodation of the passenger on another carrier will be subject to that carrier’s requirements and capabilities to provide oxygen as they apply to the existing circumstances;
- Cape Air is not liable for failure to provide this service when such failure is beyond its control.
REMEMBER: This list is not all-inclusive. Carrying dangerous goods aboard an aircraft violates U.S. Federal Law. (49 U.S.C. 5124).
For more information, see our full Contract of Carriage.